How we hunt truffles?


How we hunt truffles?

How we hunt truffles?rarity of truffles are caused by so many reasons but this tubers worth more than golds cause they require specialized care which include complex combination of appropriate weather conditions, soil chemistry ,and a bit of luck to grow successfully. but another option that has no alternatives and can make a brand pioneer is having hunter dogs that can make a big difference in production volume.

How to train dogs?

You have to train your dog when it is still just a puppy to improve its sense of smell and allow it to find the precious underground fungus, which resides several centimeters below the ground, close by specific types of trees. You could potentially train any dog to find a truffle, but it might be easier to train a puppy and to train a hound who likes to have his nose to the ground. While your dog is training, you will need to have access to truffle oil so he can get used to the strong scent of truffles.
but before training and using hunter dogs, agricultures used female pigs to collect truffle mushrooms but they would eat majority of it themselves!! They were hard to control and it was difficult to stop them from gobbling up the precious truffles. It’s been illegal to use pigs for truffle hunting in Italy since 1985. The hogs caused too much damage and reduced truffle production.

The best truffles hunters:

in fact there is not only one type of dog suited to this work but several.
the characteristics to look for in truffle dogs are:
1.extremely developed sense of smell
2.physical performance and stamina
3.mental balance
4.poor predatory instinct
5.good behavioral education
6.good specific training
according to following traits the best beers is Lagotto Romagnolo
the prince of truffles and the most efficient one to train
other good beers is as following:
beagle, Irish setter, setter, border collic and …

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