About us

Where It All Started

Our history goes back to ten years ago when we discovered the best truffles of the nature. We began exporting fresh truffles first to a few European countries but soon we expanded our job fields to the whole Europe and the United states.We have gained so many reputation throughout the years in so many fields. And we are on our way to pursue our activities to better scales and elevate our services as a matter of fact There are many species of truffle in the nature but only few of kinds of them are pleasant to human and we can admit ours are one of the bests in all. We owe our reputation to our costumer’s trust.

Friendship With Nature

Our company, as a nature lover, always tries to have the best effects on nature by using trained dogs to harvest truffles.

Our Goals

Our main purpose is to present the best quality truffle world wide ,for your health and longevity, we offer you a wonderful world of amazing flavors and aromas.

Our Values

We hunt the best truffles. It’s our mantra and our value to make sure that we only provide the best and well shaped, wild truffles origined in the heart of nature for our costumers and provide their needs.


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About Our Employees

We as Khosh truffle company employee’s genuinely seek out the best for our clients as well. We try so hard to implement human values and morality in every piece of the job we do. Our mantra is to be hold and to be authentic. We are committed and dedicated to our job to push the boundaries of what is possible for our customers. And we are having so much fun of doing it.


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